About Us
Tariq Kakar

Mohammad Tariq is a sculptor with a high creative potential. His work displays plastic culture, mastery and a keen desire to observe and assimilate the laws of the art form developed over the millennia. Tariq was born and brought up in Pakistan a country rich with a bright and original culture that has for innumerable centuries absorbed the multifarious influences of the successive generations shaping the history of that land of the Indus civilization. From his childhood, he would dream of being a painter, and would be absorbed for long hours playing with clay in his hands. The most important and decisive period in Tariq’s life was the time he spent in Ukraine among a group of talented young people in order to master the sculptors art. He enrolled in a school of high international repute at Kiev the Ukrainian academy of arts, the alma mater of many a distinguished name in the country.
Natalia Tariq

A Moldavian painter, is at an early stage of her creative career. But, one can already recognize its investigative character and attentive attitude to realistic traditions and progressive trends in modern art.
Her years of study at the Chisinau Art College, the Ukrainian Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture at Kiev, and then at the Chisinau State University of Fine Arts; had a deep impact on shaping Natalia Tariq’s skills as a professional painter.